Do you know that more than half of web traffic worldwide is created by mobile users? That means, if we do not consider mobile customers, we are going to lose a massive amount of audience for our application. But wait, not everyone uses the same mobile platform. There are two major players in the mobile world – Android and IOS, so, we need to build two versions of the same application for both the platforms. That’s very frustrating, isn’t it? 

Well, if you think about it, though these platforms are different, the business logic behind the applications are pretty much the same. They perform operations like retrieving and storing information to a database or reading, writing, and displaying the data from the remote host.

If we could create a shared framework where all the common operations can be performed, just imagine how much time and cost we can save. Thanks to Kotlin we can now create a project where all the common operations can be coded separately and shared between different platforms. Isn’t that amazing?

In this series of tutorials, we will create a very basic IOS and Android application that will display some programming quotes from the open-source API, using the shared library.

We are going to learn how to: 

To summarise, our final product will look like this where the quote and the author’s name are obtained from the open-source API. You can access the entire code from the git repository.

So, without further delay, let’s jump into building an app for IOS and Android with a shared framework. Click on the following link to get started.


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